Smoke N' Guns in the Washington Examiner
We had a great article written in the Washington Examiner!
Check it out here:
We had a great article written in the Washington Examiner!
Check it out here:
Save this date... Saturday Nov.12th...That's when Big Sam will be at Smoke N Guns wheeling and dealing with the entire Drew Estates line. Sam is great Rep and will make you a deal on anything in his line which is extensive. This is a great opportunity to stock up for the Holidays. Don't miss this one! This is the last Cigar Event of the year. once this date. See you at Smoke N Guns on Saturday Nov.12.
Another visitor from the Open! Stop by, never know who you will bump into!
A couple USGA Officials have found their new favorite spot!
"Thanks for all your fabulous hospitality at Smoke N' Guns! What a fantastic crew of guys! Love it!
SnG Selfies
One with the Boss
Hey Golfers, anybody out there ever hear of Keegan Bradley? Just in and hanging out at Smoke N Guns. Ironically, good friend Sam Leccia was here at the same time. Two Greats, one in the Golf World and one in the Cigar World. No telling who you may bump into this week at Smoke N Guns.
We are ready
Another busy day here at Smoke N Guns. Getting a lot of people in from the preparation staff for the Open. Yesterday was an extremely busy day and had to extend our normal hours to accommodate the crowd. Selling a lot of cigars and coffee. This is only the beginning. Traditional operating hours will be out the window starting next Monday. All the out-of-towners are buying the Smoke N Guns House Cigar. They want the official Oakmont Cigar which happens to be the best cigar in the humidor.
John Demharter will be hanging out at Smoke N Guns all day on Wednesday, June 15th running Specials on the entire San Lotano Line...AJ Fernandez...John is one of the best Brokers in the business. I can't say what kind of specials he is going to do because he kind of "shoots from the hip". He is a wheeler and dealer so if you need any of his line don't miss out and be sure to stop down. Of course that's the day of our Smoke N Guns party. Free food and drinks with a $25.00 purchase. I can say this, our Smoke N Guns House Cigars will be a buy 3 and get 1 Free! Plus 25% off on box purchase...that much I do know. We are already getting busy for the Open, as Fox Sports Crew was in this morning...they remembered Smoke N Guns from the last US Women's Open. They assured me they will be hanging out here for the next two weeks.
To commemorate the US Open here in Oakmont, we decided to have a blowout Cigar Event and party. Weds., June 15th is the date. Of course, if you are following our blogs, you know that we are running Specials on our Smoke N Guns House Line of Cigars the entire week. We are doing a buy 3 Cigars and get 1 Free of our House Cigar. Also a whopping 25% discount on a box! Such a deal! On Weds.June 15th.between 4pm and 8 pm we will have free food and drinks with a purchase of $25.00 or more. That's the catch. Our good friend and daily customer, JK, of Carnivores, is providing the food for this Event. Amazingly, as busy as JK has been with the opening of his new place, The Pub at 333, he still found time to take care of Smoke N Guns...thank you John. Oakmont will be buzzing the entire week and no telling who you may bump into here on Open week. Come on down and enjoy yourselve and pick up some great bargains. Also, many of our Cigar reps will be stopping in at Smoke N Guns during the entire week. While they are here, they will run specials on the lines that they represent. John Demharter will be here on Weds. June 15th. for the party. As you know, John is a Broker and reps a number of lines. He will be running Specials on San Lotano and many of his other lines. This is the time to stock up for the Summer Season, have a great time, and smoke some fantastic Cigars. US Opens here in Oakmont are a Must Attend.! Do not miss out on this opportunity
As perviously indicated, the week of the US Open in Oakmont will be packed with activity and discounts. Tim Kime from Ashton will be here at Smoke N Guns running some fantastic specials on the entire Ashton line, La Aroma, and San Cristobal. Tim wants to offer some really great deals on his line in honor of the US Open. He is running a buy 5 Cigars and get 2 free! Mix and Match. He is also offering a box discount plus 6 Cigars. Tim will be here at Smoke N Guns running these specials on Thurs. June 16th., between 4 pm and 8 pm. This day is the Opening Round for the US Open. If you want to be part of this historic event stop by no telling which Pro golfer you may run into at Smoke N Guns.
As we all know by now, Oakmont CC will host the 2016 US Open. The entire town of Oakmont will be buzzing that week especially Smoke N Guns. The Open will run from June 16th. thru June 19th..The practice rounds will be on June 13th thru June 15th. Just want to let everyone know the actual dates that week. Now for the good stuff. Smoke N Guns will run Blowout Specials the entire Week...June 13th thru June 19th. Our Smoke N Guns Cigars have been our biggest selling Cigars in our humidor for the past 6 months. For those of yinz that are not familiar with them, they come in Toro size as well as a 60 Ring. Three blends, Connecticut, Corojo, and Maduro Wrapper. $7.50 and $8.50 respectively. During the entire week of the Open, June 13-19th. we are running a Special on the SNG line, but 3 and get 1 Free, mix and match. Also a whopping 25% of on a box purchase. That's unheard of in this business. This Special is available everyday of that week only. We have 250 boxes set aside for this week and expect them all to go. There will be many out- of-towners in during the Open and we are already getting orders for the only Oakmont Cigar available. Don't miss out on this offer. The Smoke N Guns Cigars are made by the most infamous Cigar Blender in the business, Oscar Valladares in Honduras. Please stay posted for more activities
Long time family friend, Tiki Barber,. is going to be in town doing a live broadcast. Tiki will be stopping by Smoke N Guns Weds. evening Oct.14th. to hang out and smoke his favorite cigars, the Smoke N Guns House Blend. If you would like to meet him, stop by.
Saturday May 9th.2015 is the date and the time is 11am to 5pm. The buy-in is $10.00 and tickets are available now through the event date. The $10.00 buy-in will qualify you for numerous raffles throughout the day and also will apply towards your purchase of cigars. The buy-in also entitles you to refreshments. This is a win win situation. Don't miss this event. The entire Ashton line will be included. Mark is one of the best Cigar Reps in the business and is very generous with his specials. Now is the time to stock up for the summer months and golf season. This is the one everybody is waiting for. Do not miss this one! I'm not sure which cigar we will be tasting however, the entire line will be available. Do the math, $10.00 buy-in, a free cigar, refreshments, numerous raffeles and your money applied toward your purchase of cigars. See you on May 9th.
Sorry folks but the Drew Estates event scheduled for Saturday April 4th.2015 is postponed to a later date. When we reschedule with Sammy, I will let everyone know. Feel free to stop by anyway. Have a great Easter!
Saturday, April 4th.,2015. Prizes, gifts, refreshments and fantastic bargains. Don't miss it. Sammy is the best Rep in the business. You won't leave empty handed. Winter Is over and Golf season begins. You will need more cigars. Now is the time to load up.
See you here
Mr. I
I would like to bring your attention to the Sept/Oct edition of Cigar Snob. They are featuring Pittsburgh and a number of Smoke Shops. Of course Smoke N Guns is in it. They did a fantastic interview with our good friend Randy Grossman right here in the Shop. Our initial supply of this issue sold out already but we have more coming. Some great stories of "back in the day" when Randy accrued his four Superbowl Rings. Check it out.
Want to also wish Randy the best with his recent hip replacement. He was in yesterday and looks great! I guess he took one to many hits from the Dallas D backs! Good luck Randy.
It was brought to my attention by my good friend Duane that I never announced the proceeds raised at our annual golf outing. We yielded $5310.00 for the Wounded Warrior Project with our Chinese auction. Our annual outing is a customer appreciation event in conjunction with our favorite charity. We direct our proceeds to the Western Pa. Wounded Warriors. I want to thank all of our participants for the support.(OK Duane)
Just talked to Chris Cutcher, the Oliva Cigar Rep. and ironed out the details for the Oliva Event on Saturday June 7th..Chris said he would be here at Smoke N Guns from 10am till 3pm making offers that you won't be able to refuse. Chris said he isn't giving away any fancy frills, just cigars. He wants to do something different than the other Reps. Chris said he will offer a mix or match of any purchase of 10 cigars and he will give you 5 Free. Any purchase of of 20 cigars he will give you 10 Free. A 30 cigar purchase will get you 15 cigars plus a lighter Free. These are deals you should not pass up this time of the year! Golf season is here and this is a great time to stock up. This is the most generous give-away of the year. The entire Oliva line will be available including Cain. Save the date and stop by.
Sam Leccia's new Luchador is finally in and on the shelves. His Black and Whites are also available in all sizes. If you have not tried the Luchador (which you probably haven't ) stop by and try one. They are great. Sam is a great blender and out did himself with the Luchador. As you may know, Sam (a local guy from Pittsburgh) is the creator of Nub..Cain.. Black & White and now Luchador. Stop by and try one.
Just a reminder...this Saturday...May the Ashton cigar tasting featuring LA Aroma De Cuba. This is a cigar and liquor tasting. The "buy in" for this Event Is $10.00. This entitles you to a featured cigar and a variety of liquor to taste. The $10.00 buy-in is used for Raffles throughout the day. Also..the $10.00 is applied to the purchase of any of the Ashton line which will be a buy 4 and get 1 FREE. Great discounts will be featured on box purchases. Tickets are available now through Saturday. Don't miss this one!